What is the process of getting a FAL License?

To obtain an FAL (Real Estate Brokerage License), follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website of the General Authority of Real Estate.
  • Click on "Electronic Real Estate Brokerage Services."
  • Log in or register as a new user.
  • Fill in required personal data such as ID number and date of birth.
  • Enter the verification code sent to your registered mobile number in the Absher platform.
  • Fill in additional required information, including mobile number, national address, and password.
  • Agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Select the role of either an individual broker or an establishment broker.
  • Click on "Issue a New License."
  • Choose the Real Estate Brokerage and Marketing License option, then confirm the issuance of the license.
  • Pay any required fees.
  • Complete any necessary training programs for the specific license classification.
  • After applying, REGA will review the documents and verify the information provided.
  • The process typically takes up to 30 days.

By following these steps, you can successfully apply for and obtain an FAL License for real estate brokerage.

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